
Dec 21, 20211 min

Pre-sale of NFTs

It's up to you to buy the NFT and pay for minting it. Will it be a rare or a common NFT?

I mean really? Ok I bought it it's common, I spent close to 300 dollars in Eth for it and another 100 bucks to mint it. Now what? Well yes it's a nice NFT great pic and from what I've seen it's the same in 10000 that will be minted.

Oh we are to hold em, possible game later on, possible breeding, growing like a pet. OK so what is the timeline? There isn't one? Wait I just bought an NFT that has no backing, no function, I have to wait for further development? How the hell did all these buys come in without anything to show for it other than an NFT pic we all just minted that's the same NFT?

Did we just get scammed? Damn it! Ok at least I got a pic everyone in 10 to 20 thousand have and it's worth nothing. 😞

Oh I can sell it? Sweet, I'll list it for what I spent on it and try to make my money back.

30 days later!! No sale and the project forgotten. Damn it. Website gone, Discord gone, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook abandoned. Yeah, they were billionaires after getting us suckers money.

Just tried to grab another and im out of ETH. Damn it!

Man, hope I don't fall for that bullshit again.

Lesson learned.
